GUEST ART: What's up, Snow Daze readers. Marcus here. Between multiple art gigs, preparing for an exhibit, teaching, and shoveling more snow in the past week than the heroes of our tale, I'm not quite finished with part 2 of See You in the Funny Pages. Fortunately we have a guest artist today and I have an excuse to show off this beautiful commission by comic creator and master of markers, Jules Rivera. Jules created this commission as one of the rewards for backing the Kickstarter campaign for her awesome urban-magic-adventure tale, Misfortune High. She'll be launching a Kickstarter campaign for issue 2 very soon, so follow her on twitter for updates. It was really cool to receive this gorgeous piece of art, and it was extra cool to see Nolo drawn by another artist for the first time. So enjoy it, and join us back here next week for the continuation of Funny Pages. Stay chilly.